Since the beginning the Dynamo team at Autodesk has been collecting data on how we use Dynamo Nodes. I wonder how this (slightly unscientific) list compares to their data?
- Select Model Element
- Element.Parameters
- Watch
- All Elements of Category
- Categories (always used with the previous)
- Code Block (This one is a multitasker, you can use it for strings, numbers, math, passing through information)
- == (and most of the other Math Nodes)
- String.Contains
- String.Replace
- String from Object
- Element.ElementType
- FilterbyBoolMask
- List.SortbyKey
- List.GroupbyKey
- Element.GetParameterValueByName
- Element.SetParameterByName
- Element.Name
- List.Transpose
- Data.ExportExcel
- Data.ImportExcel
- List.Count
- Sequence
- List.Flatten
- Point.ByCoordinates
- List.GetItemAtIndex